Dr. Egbert Edelbroek

Dr. Egbert Edelbroek is founder & CEO of research company SpaceBorn United. Egbert is passionate to help humanity to become a multi planetary species and expand the human comfortzone. SpaceBorn United therefore designs and prepares space missions to enable human reproduction in space. Egbert’s interest in space exploration accelerated shortly after he became a sperm donor in 2010 and learned all about reproductive technologies.

In case ‘human reproduction’ is a bit abstract you can also replace that by ‘pregnancy and childbirth’ So it becomes:

Dr. Egbert Edelbroek is founder & CEO of research company SpaceBorn United. Egbert is passionate to help humanity to become a multi planetary species and expand the human comfortzone. SpaceBorn United therefore designs and prepares space missions to enable pregnancy and childbirth in space. Egbert’s interest in space exploration accelerated shortly after he became a sperm donor in 2010 and learned all about reproductive technologies.